Power Up Your Peace of Mind: Pro Tips for Protecting Your EV Charger

By Logan Howlett

As electric vehicles (EVs) race to the forefront of modern transportation, the need to secure EV chargers is more critical than ever. Whether you’re powering up at home or host a station for those on the go, your charger faces risks from vandalism, theft, and the whims of weather. With the right blend of preventive measures, security, and regular upkeep, these impacts won’t slow you down. Instead, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your EV charger is secure and dependable. Here’s how to protect your charging equipment and ensure it’s always ready when you are.

Guarding Against Vandalism: Proactive Tips and Quick Fixes

Vandalism can pose a large threat to EV chargers, potentially causing expensive repairs and downtime. To safeguard your EV Charger, consider the following strategies:

  1. Secure Installation: Be sure to install your EV charger in a secure, well-lit area. For residential chargers, the ideal location would be a garage or dedicated parking space. For public chargers, ensure they are in visible locations with high foot traffic. 
  2. Protective Enclosures: Use durable, tamper-resistant enclosures to protect the charger and its components. Enclosures made of heavy-duty materials can deter vandals and minimize damage.
  3. Surveillance Cameras: Enhancing security with surveillance technology is highly recommended in order to monitor your chargers effectively. Installing security cameras can provide valuable evidence if vandalism occurs, aiding in identification and prosecution.
  4. Signage: Use clear signage to indicate that the area is monitored and that vandalism is a criminal offense. Prominent warnings can effectively deter potential vandals.

Theft Protection: Advanced Security and Effective Deterrents

EV chargers, especially portable units, are highly susceptible to theft. Enhance the security of your charging gear with these proactive measures:

  1. Mounting and Anchoring: Install your EV charger securely on a wall or dedicated pedestal using tamper-proof bolts and anchors to prevent easy removal.
  2. Locking Mechanisms: Enhance security by using a lock or locking mechanism that prevents unauthorized removal. Portable chargers can be secured with heavy-duty locks and chains.
  3. GPS Tracking: Consider installing a GPS tracker on your EV charger to help facilitate recovery in the event of theft. GPS technology can also enable real-time location monitoring.
  4. Alarm Systems: Use alarm systems that trigger alerts if the charger is tampered with or moved. These alarms not only deter thieves but also provide instant alerts to notify you of potential theft. 

Seasonal Changes: Maintenance and Preparation

Seasonal changes can impact the performance and lifespan of EV chargers, but proper maintenance and preparation can mitigate these impacts.

  1. Winter: Cold temperatures can diminish charging efficiency and equipment durability. By protecting your charger with weatherproof enclosures and ensuring cables are rated for low temperatures, you can significantly decrease these effects. Regularly inspecting for ice or snow buildup around the equipment is also crucial to minimize the impact of cold weather. 
  2. Summer: High temperatures can strain the electrical infrastructure of the charger and increase the potential for slower charging sessions. We recommend providing shade for the charger in order to keep it cool and ensure proper ventilation. To prevent overheating, avoid direct sunlight on cables and connectors. 
  3. Wet Seasons: Rain and humidity can lead to electrical issues and corrosion. Use waterproof and weather-resistant materials for your charger and its components. Ensure that all connections and cables are properly sealed to prevent water ingress.
  4. Year-Round Maintenance: Regardless of the season, it is important to perform detailed inspections and maintenance checks on a regular basis. An inspection at least twice a year is recommended. Look for signs of wear and tear, corrosion, or damage to cables and connectors. Frequent maintenance proactively identifies potential issues and enhances the charger’s overall reliability.

Protecting your EV charger from vandalism, theft, and ongoing seasonal changes is essential in ensuring safe and dependable charging sessions. By implementing proactive strategies against vandalization, enhancing security, and conducting routine maintenance, you guarantee that your EV charger’s infrastructure operates at peak efficiency all year round. Not only do these efforts protect your investment, but also largely contribute to widespread trust and confidence in electric vehicle technology.

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About The Author 

Logan Howlett is one of Field Advantages resident EVSE experts. She is responsible for coordinating EVSE projects and has worked with EVSE OEMs and CPOs across the industry. 

About Field Advantage

Field Advantage is a national IT field services company headquartered in Kingsport, TN. Committed to field technician safety, we provide hands-on training, specific EVSE PPE, safety testing tools, and 24/7 support. Visit us at fieldadv.com to learn more about our services and initiatives.